RoundupReads Evett Turner gives the gift of education—and more—through the Combined Federal Campaign

Evett Turner gives the gift of education—and more—through the Combined Federal Campaign

A 13-year veteran of the federal government and a supervisory program specialist in Johnson Space Center’s External Relations Office, Evett Turner’s dedication to public service extends well beyond the gates of our center. Active in several alumni and academic sororities, she is always looking for ways to give back.
For Turner and others like her, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the perfect answer. A powerful and easy way to show your heart this holiday season, the CFC is the nation’s largest annual workplace charity campaign that allows opportunities for donation through a simple payroll deduction for civil servants (or a donation via check for anyone wanting to contribute). You to select from thousands of charities from across the nation to make a difference.
Through the CFC, Turner supports a number of charities each year. Her favorite nonprofits support mental and heart health causes, cancer research and animal rights. However, she is most proud of the pledges she has made to support education and scholarships for her sorority’s foundation and her college’s national alumni association. 
In 2013, her efforts in championing scholarship fundraising was recognized by her fellow classmates, who honored her as class agent at their 20-year college reunion. This year, Turner also received the Educational Advancement Foundation Charter Captain award for encouraging sorority members to contribute to the foundation.
“It is indeed an honor to be able to sow into the education of those who may be less fortunate than I and enable them to receive a quality education,” Turner said. “I believe giving through CFC is a smart and safe way to give back. For those who are not sure who to donate to, consider your favorite college alumni association or your fraternity or sorority. ”
In less than five minutes, you can make a donation. How?
Civil servants can donate through Employee Express.
  1. Sign into your Employee Express account.
  2. Click on the Combined Federal Campaign link (top link on the left) and start the CFC module.
  3. Select your contribution method (payroll deduction or check) and amount
  4. Designate your charities.
Anyone can give a cash or check donation:
  1. Get a pledge form from your division CFC coordinator.
  2. Fill out your pledge form with your charity selection and contribution amount
  3. Turn in your form with your check/cash to your CFC coordinator. (The pink slip is yours for tax-deductible records.)
JSC Director Ellen Ochoa has another special reason team members should consider participating in the CFC if they have not before. In a recent letter to the JSC team, Ochoa said, “Charlie Bolden has said that his greatest going-away gift would be to see full participation of NASA employees in CFC. Knowing Charlie’s genuine and deep caring for people, this isn’t a surprising request. Our JSC participation goal is 75 percent; reaching this would be a great way to demonstrate the generosity of federal employees and contractors, as well as to honor Charlie.”
No matter how you give, every dollar matters. Remember: The last day to contribute is Dec. 15, so be sure to donate soon!
Want to learn more? Check out JSC’s CFC website or contact this year’s JSC CFC coordinators: Paul Gramm or Herb Baker

Morgan McAllister
NASA Johnson Space Center
Evett Turner is a supervisory program specialist in Johnson Space Center’s External Relations Office. Image courtesy of Evett Turner.