RoundupReads HR Provides Details on XLV, Use or Lose, and More of Your COVID-19 Questions

HR Provides Details on XLV, Use or Lose, and More of Your COVID-19 Questions


Today we are joined by HR Director Anne Roemer to learn more about XLV, use or lose AL, and other HR topics related to COVID-19. If you missed our last discussion about IT troubleshooting with IRD, click here.

0:50 - How has HR adapted to working with employees during COVID-19?

1:55 - Has XLV Been Extended for NASA Employees?

3:00 - What is the new parental leave policy?

4:02 - Will use or lose AL be carried over due to COVID-19?

5:40 Where can I find answers to other HR specific questions?


Stay tuned to Roundup for more Q&A sessions with center leaders as we continue to navigate and adapt to new ways of working during COVID-19.

HR resources displayed at the end of the video. Click to enlarge.