RoundupReads Six steps to Johnson Space Center’s environmental success

Six steps to Johnson Space Center’s environmental success

NASA’s Johnson Space Center is viewed as a leader in the field of environmental responsibility due to the firm stance JSC has taken to promote continued environmental improvement at the center. At the core of environmental excellence are the people who support it—so sit back, relax and refresh your environmental knowledge with the six steps to JSC’s environmental success.
1. Know the JSC environmental policy.

“JSC commits to conducting its mission in a manner that promotes environmental stewardship, sustainability, compliance and continual improvement.”

JSC works to ensure that the center is safe for employees and the environment and sustainable for the future.

2. Know how you impact the environment.

Do you use paint, generate office waste, purchase supplies, use cleaning products or use machines that run on diesel fuel?

Almost everything that we do impacts the environment in some way. Always make sure that you are performing tasks in a manner that aligns with JSC environmental training.

3. Know what is done to control environmental impacts.

JSC provides training to all employees, installs containment structures to monitor the pH level of waste water, records paint use to track VOCs and documents procedures.

JSC has many measures in place and continues to develop new ones to ensure that the center provides a safe environment.

4. Know the environmental issues and environmental management systems.

All employees on-site complete an environmental responsibility training every three years, and certain positions require specialized yearly training.

By having the workforce complete the environmental training course every three years, JSC ensures that the workforce is constantly updated on new and changing policies.

5. Know the JSC environmental management goals.

JSC aims to reduce energy consumption, use more renewable energy, reduce water usage, build more sustainable buildings and recycle.

You have probably been able to see these changes taking place firsthand around the center. Participating in Flex Fridays lowers environmental impact, and new buildings are being built to be more sustainable. For instance, bathrooms are constructed with high-efficiency flush capabilities to lower water consumption.

6. Know how to find information about the environmental management system.

Plenty of information can be found at Questions can also be asked through the JSC environmental info line at 281-793-6207, or via email at

The most important step to environmental success is to be informed. Make sure to reach out through any of these mediums if you ever have a question.

JSC aerial view
JSC's environmental success is dependent upon participation from the entire center. Image Credit: NASA

Noah Michelsohn
NASA Johnson Space Center