RoundupReads ‘Sandbox’ gives Engineers Without Borders space to expand technologies

‘Sandbox’ gives Engineers Without Borders space to expand technologies

On Jan. 19, the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Johnson Space Center chapter took to the “sandbox” in Building 348 to further technologies that will be used to benefit the less fortunate around the world. The chapter designs, builds  and tests all systems before installing them into the various communities—much akin to spaceflight, which demands vigorous testing before spacecraft can be certified for flight.

One technology with promise is a year-round fruit-drying system, which was to be used to create a dried fruit export business for an orphanage in Rwanda so they  could become the first self-sustaining orphanage in the world. Unfortunately, the EWB JSC chapter learned in December that the Rwandan government would be closing all orphanages in the country by the end of 2014. This is not deterring the chapter’s plans for the project, however, because if any other EWB chapters need a fruit-drying system, the JSC chapter can offer a confirmed design that could be easily replicated. The workday was the final run to ensure that the dryer functioned as planned.

On Jan. 21, 22 and 23, EWB JSC worked with Space Center Houston’s Fall Exploration Academy program with Bring Your Own Water (BYOW). This program brought in 74 students from the United States and Nicaragua together to learn about clean water and sustaining a water treatment system. Chapter members spoke with students about BYOW and where it’s being used around the world, and then demonstrated how the system works and the maintenance required to keep it running. Knowing the types of repairs needed for a water treatment system is vital, because if there’s a break, the community no longer has access to clean water until it’s fixed.
EWB JSC chapter members do a final test run on a fruit-drying system. Image credit: EWB JSC
A group works with a failed water treatment pump to evaluate next steps. Image credit: EWB JSC