RoundupReads ISS Weekly News Show Premieres

ISS Weekly News Show Premieres


It’s here – your weekly update on what’s happening aboard the International Space Station (ISS). All set up in a 2-minute news-style production so you can quickly learn fun space facts and see a glimpse at the week ahead on the space station.
“Space to Ground” is a new series featuring updates on science aboard the International Space Station and showcasing the diversity of activities taking place aboard the world's only orbiting laboratory.
The opening episode premiered on Friday, Dec. 6 and highlights comet ISON as seen from the space station. It also explains how astronauts weight themselves by throwing themselves against the wall.
We invite you to take a look at this short video designed to provide the public with a short wrap-up of what's happening on ISS.
“Space to Ground" will be available every Friday on, the JSC homepage and our social media accounts. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family.
Got a question or comment? Use #spacetoground to talk to us.
Check out the video on NASA’s YouTube channel, ReelNASA, and help us get to 20,000 hits this week!