RoundupReads Luca Callini

Luca Callini

I am a certified manned test director. I manage and conduct thermal and vacuum tests of hardware, including space suits and life support systems. Before astronauts fly, they come to our facilities, don the flight unit of their spacesuit, and go through training exercises while at vacuum to make sure they're proficient in using the suit in a vacuum.

I love how there are so many opportunities at JSC outside of your job. For example, I’ve interpreted press conferences for Italian astronauts Paolo Nespoli, Roberto Vittori, Luca Parmitano and Samantha Cristoforetti for real-time airing. In my free time, I’m a group exercise instructor at Starport, the wellness and recreation center here. I’m also a fitness trainer and coach. I've found that this is a passion of mine, to help people achieve their goals. I feel like when people are happier with themselves, every aspect of their life improves, so it's a win-win scenario.