RoundupReads Matthew Noyes

Matthew Noyes

We’re the hybrid reality lab – hybrid reality is any mix of physical and virtual reality. And in the middle, you’ve got hybrid reality. We’re looking more toward the side of virtual, augmented with physical objects.

We use this with the International Space Station. When people are onboard the ISS, or put on the headset for the first time, they see the earth. It puts their life into perspective and they have a greater appreciation of life on earth. You can kind of get that from photographs, but not really. You have to be in space to get that, but the immersion that you get from hybrid reality…seeing some of the reactions of people who put on the headset and look out of the cupola windows on the Space Station, their minds are blown. Hearing audibly the person indicate how much that work has affected them on a personal level – it’s very rewarding.