RoundupReads ‘Humans of JSC’—tell us your stories

‘Humans of JSC’—tell us your stories

Johnson Space Center Director Dr. Ellen Ochoa’s passion for innovation has made a tangible impact on the home of human spaceflight through the JSC 2.0 campaign—recently dubbed 2.016. When the center’s top leaders gathered for the 2016 senior staff retreat, they walked away with four specific goals for 2016: Connect to the Mission; Enable Change; Remove Obstacles; and Make Programs Successful.
Each goal was assigned to a senior leader at JSC. “Make Programs Successful” is being led by Steve Stich, deputy manager of the Flight Development and Operations Branch of the Commercial Crew Program, and Vanessa Wyche, executive sponsor of the Emerge Employee Resource Group (ERG). Wyche called upon Emerge to create and pitch a storyboard to improve understanding of the JSC mission and highlight how individual contributions advance the programs.
Inspired by social media’s continuously growing presence and astounding ability to inform and connect people, Emerge used this platform to answer the call. The popular social media blog “Humans of New York” captures the spontaneity found on the streets of New York City to tell the stories of its residents. Using this model, a working group comprised of ERG employees will capture the stories of the incredible employees around JSC. This project, entitled “Humans of JSC,” seeks to empower our programs by sharing the stories of those who make spaceflight happen (like you!). Humans of JSC will showcase the uniqueness of team members all across the JSC community, from every directorate and experience level, to create a comprehensive story of who we are and what we do. 
Members of the Humans of JSC working group will conduct interviews and photo shoots around the center. A typical interview takes roughly half an hour, including a short photo session to capture the interviewee sharing any part of their job that they really enjoy—whether it’s analyzing data, leading a meeting or working on hardware.
We'd love to tell your stories. Please let us know via this form when you and your co-workers are available for an interview.
Humans of JSC website header
Share your story. Tell us how your work helps make JSC a success. Image Credit: NASA

Rachael Copeland
Grier Wilt
NASA Johnson Space Center