All about the ‘LADIs’ during Women’s History Month
On March 16, Johnson Space Center Director Dr. Ellen Ochoa joined other NASA women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) during a Women’s History Month event at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Hosted by NASA and the White House Council on Women and Girls, the gathering explored the role of women in STEM and gave about 100 high-school students from Washington, Baltimore and suburban Maryland a glimpse of NASA women in action who continually make a difference furthering science, spaceflight and our Journey to Mars.
Including Ochoa, other professionals rounding out the panel included NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator Lesa Roe, NASA Deputy Administrator Dava Newman and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Deputy Director for Technology & Research Investments Christyl Johnson. Topics of discussion included their jobs, what they love most about what they do, how they prepared to do their work and where they find inspiration.
“My message to the students was simple and I shared my motto: Love – Act – Discover – Innovate (LADI),” said Newman in her NASA Leadership Blog. “Be open to possibilities. Know your talents. Rely on your strengths. Follow your passion. You will succeed!”
The NASA Women in Action panel talks careers in STEM with receptive students from surrounding communities. Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
Catherine Ragin Williams
NASA Johnson Space Center