RoundupReads Did you know? The Combined Federal Campaign helps Texas

Did you know? The Combined Federal Campaign helps Texas

Of the thousands of organizations you can donate to through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), hundreds are dedicated to helping out your fellow Texans! In fact, many of them are located just down the street from us at Johnson Space Center.

These organizations are dedicated to supporting our neighbors and making Texas the best it can be. Through the CFC, you can support a local organization that helps veterans transition back to life in the Clear Lake area; one that supports the health of Texan children; a charity that builds homes around Houston for the less fortunate; an organization that supports the arts and culture downtown; a charity that builds literacy; and even an environmental nonprofit that protects our parks and trails. 

Check out the “Local” section of the CFC Charity Guide, pages 13-16, to see how you can help impact our very close community. With the CFC, you can donate to these and thousands of other charities.

In as little as five minutes, you can make a donation. Here’s how:
  • Civil servants can donate through Employee Express
    1. Sign in to your Employee Express account
    2. Click on the “Combined Federal Campaign” link (second link on the left)
    3. Select your charities and contribution amount
  • Anyone can give a cash or check donation:
    1. Get a pledge card from your division secretary or your CFC coordinator
    2. Fill out a pledge card with your charity selection and contribution amount
    3. Turn in the card with your check/cash to your CFC coordinator. (The yellow slip is yours for tax-deductible records.)
Find out more on the JSC CFC website. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

CFC poster
Christina Gosling
NASA Johnson Space Center