RoundupReads Three Reasons to Give Through the Combined Federal Campaign

Three Reasons to Give Through the Combined Federal Campaign


What’s your reason?

The Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC, is the official workplace giving campaign for federal employees and retirees. This year, the CFC (and, don’t forget: NASA’s Johnson Space Center) is celebrating its 60th anniversary!

Since its inception, the CFC has raised more than $8.5 billion for charities and people in need. Better yet, anyone can be a changemaker through the CFC. As we recover from the challenges of the past year and meet the new challenges of 2021 and beyond, CFC pledges make a real and meaningful difference to a countless number of individuals throughout our communities, our nation, and the world.

It's easy than ever to give, but you only have until Jan. 14, 2022, to do so. Visit or check out the Texas Gulf Coast CFC.

You can be the face of change.

Have more questions? Contact Dan Costello at


3 reasons to give poster