RoundupReads Johnson Goes to Stage 2 Wednesday, April 28

Johnson Goes to Stage 2 Wednesday, April 28

by JSC Director Mark Geyer | 2021-04-23

Letter from Johnson Space Center Director Mark Geyer emailed April 21.


JSC Team,

I want to thank each of you for your continued dedication to the NASA mission and your efforts to maintain a safe workplace for our essential critical work. You have enabled the agency to achieve historic milestones during an unprecedented pandemic.

Our Pandemic Incident Response Group (PIRG) meets regularly to evaluate, discuss and take steps to ensure JSC and WSTF remain a safe space for employees working on site during Stage 3. The PIRG also continuously monitors criteria necessary for transitioning to the next stage.

I accepted the PIRG’s recommendation for JSC and WSTF to begin the transition to Stage 2 on Wednesday, April 28. During Stage 2, we are still in a maximum telework mode and capacity will be limited to a 25% total occupancy at JSC and WSTF. Going to Stage 2 will reduce some of the overhead burden with adding mission critical tasks. This decision is the result of extensive analysis of COVID-19 case data, increased safety modifications throughout the center, and careful assessment of the procedures that the center has put in place during Stage 3. Please plan to continue to telework unless your supervisor notifies you that work requiring your physical presence has been approved. Masks and physical distancing are still required onsite, regardless of your vaccination status.

The center continues to enhance safety measures, including the installation of clear barriers in common areas, limiting access to conference rooms, increasing cleaning frequency, flushing water from low-use buildings, and posting clearly marked and detailed signage around stairways and elevators. The Center Operations Return to Site guide contains additional information about the measure put in place to ensure your safety at work.

We will continue to closely monitor the case data in the area during the coming weeks and be prepared to move back to Stage 3 if the data indicates a troubling trend or if our medical experts do not have high confidence that we can safely return employees to work. I recognize that some members of the team may not feel safe returning to work right away. I want to emphasize that you will not be forced to return to site before you are comfortable doing so. If you have hesitations, I encourage you to have a dialogue with your supervisor about your reservations.

If you are expected to perform onsite work during Stage 2, your supervisor should have already contacted you with detailed information about the plan for your office and requested that you sign a form acknowledging the center guidance and policies that must be adhered to on site in order to maintain safety for the entire team.

The continued success of JSC relies on each of us contributing to the mission by following the center guidance and remaining vigilant against the spread of COVID-19 at home and at work by wearing masks and social distancing. Remember, if you have any physical symptoms consistent with COVID, you should not come onsite, period. Get tested and follow quarantine guidance.

Each of you plays a vital role in inspiring humanity and it is such a privilege to work with such a dedicated and inspired workforce.