RoundupReads Don’t Be Scared to Have FUN

Don’t Be Scared to Have FUN


This Halloween, there are TWO frighteningly good events happening at JSC!

Don’t be haunted by missing out on the maze of Safety and Health Day fun at the Gilruth, and make time to meander to the Building 3 collaboration area to meet some scary innovative technologists treating you to wickedly cool technology projects supporting NASA and JSC/White Sands Test Facility missions benefiting us ghouls on Earth … as well as whatever and whoever is out in space.

Gravely important details:

Safety and Health Day

Gilruth Center (ballroom, gym and Live Oak Pavilion)

10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Transportation: Keep your parking space! You can do this by taking a dedicated bus or van to the event at the Gilruth Center. The bus routes, marked by "bus stop" signs, are:

  • #1 and #2 buses: Pickup at Buildings 4/5, 1, 13/15, 16, 45, and then proceed to the Gilruth. This route will be repeated.
  • #3 van: Pickup at Buildings 31, 29/7, 9/10, 32, and then proceed to the Gilruth. This route will be repeated.
  • #4 van: Pickup at Building 342A (shed), 419, and then proceed to the Gilruth. This route will be repeated.

Buses and vans will start running at 9:30 a.m. and run continuously until 1:30 p.m.

Start your day with a healthy breakfast within your organization, and then join us from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Gilruth Center. Bring a 2-inch by 2.5-inch photo for your "Why I Work Safely" badge at the JSC Safety and Health Action Team booth, experience InBody body analysis, get a chair massage, sample plant-based juices and much more!

JSC Tech Showcase

Building 3 collaboration area

11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Transportation: Walk, bike or “Thriller” dance your way there.

Come trick-or-treat with the innovators helping to advance human space exploration, technology development and integration at the 2019 JSC Technology Showcase poster session. Come cast a spell, or ballot, for the People's Choice award—the project you see as the most innovative and beneficial for JSC and NASA missions. Senior staff members will cast their votes for the Directors' Choice award, recognizing the project demonstrating the most potential for JSC work, the Artemis mission, future commercialization or advancing the state of the art. Winners traditionally present to senior staff.