RoundupReads Johnson’s Newest Special Delivery

Johnson’s Newest Special Delivery

by Jenny Knotts | 2019-05-16

As we prepare to return to the Moon by 2024, American companies are busy developing deep space habitat prototypes. These prototypes are being developed through the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program.

The newest arrival? Sierra Nevada Corporation’s proposed inflatable hab. It was trucked into the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility on May 10, and the team will spend the next several weeks inflating the habitat and outfitting the interior for testing. There are several elements that, when combined, measure about 150 feet long. The largest part is the Large Inflatable Fabric Environment, which is 27 feet in diameter.

See more images of the habitat being trucked in and settled into place below.

Anticipation is sometimes the best part. Image Credit: NASA/James Blair