RoundupReads Holidays During the Pandemic

Holidays During the Pandemic

by Employee Assistance Program Director Jackie Reese | 2020-11-19

The holidays will be different this year. They need to be different.

While a vaccine is on the horizon, COVID-19 cases are on the rise, and we all need to do what we can to protect our families, friends, co-workers, and the community. Infectious disease experts are imploring folks to stay home and limit holiday celebrations to their current “bubble.” The bubble has to be the people you are certain have taken every possible precaution with masks, social distancing, and handwashing.

This is sad and disappointing for most of us. What I hear most commonly is, “But what if this is my (elderly relative’s) last holiday?” I hear you. It’s our concern every year with our elders. It’s hard, but I recommend holding firm with safety. You don’t want to be the person who unknowingly infects them and potentially makes this their last holiday.

I also know there is pressure to gather. My advice is that you have to love your extended family enough to say “No, not this year,” when it’s not safe.

So, how do you stay connected? Calls, videos, letters, cards, gift-delivery services. I have three video visits on Thanksgiving day with family who need to stay home and be safe. I want them around next year after we are all vaccinated. That will be a celebration for the ages!

This is not living in fear. This is recognizing a serious pandemic with significant losses … and potentially more to come. This is living in safety. This is doing what we can to ensure a new normal next year with our family, friends, and co-workers. 

I believe in us. I know we can do it. We know how to put safety first.

Graphic of a group zoom chat.
Start a new family tradition this year: use technology to stay connected, even if you can't share the same dinner table. 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Johnson's EAP at 281-483-6130 or if you need someone to talk to.

Whether you opt for turkey pie or the real thing, the holidays will nonetheless look different this year as COVID-19 cases are on the rise.